I took some time to speak with one of my favs- Kirstin Bolt about servant leadership. As expected, she provided great wisdom.
What Would You Say to Someone Who Wants to be Active & Physically Serve, but Feels Bad Because They're Not Able To?
The Lord knows your heart and your desire to love others pleases Him! Let's celebrate that way you're showing up to the world to be a light in the darkness!
But practically, there are two steps we can all take to seek the Kingdom of God:
1.) Something I'm learning is how to practically, consistently, and faithfully ask the Lord into my days. I'm reminded of Nehemiah one of the greatest leaders in our history, who prayed without ceasing asking the Lord to impart wisdom and strengthen his hands. Much more than Nehemiah had, we have the spirit of a living God dwelling inside of us!! That's right, the same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives within you!! Be still and ask the Holy Spirit to establish the work of your hands. Pray:
"Father, what do you have for me today? How can I honor you by loving those around me? Show me how to be your hands and feet today."
2.) Next, look around. Take time to notice who is around you. How can you bring value? Who needs you?
Right now, I'm leaning into my family as a first and primary ministry. Like many of you, I suddenly found myself a full time working mom (leading a non profit stretched to respond during the crisis) AND a home school mom of a kindergartner and a second grader.
For me service in this season means being present with my family. I'm reminded my kids won't remember the virus, but they'll remember the dress up tea party at our kitchen table and camping in the backyard. They might even recall how fun it was to have school with mommy! So let go...focus on what's important and give yourself permission to be present.
But be careful sister, the enemy will whisper "That's not good enough." I'm here to tell you that's a lie!
Your ministry to your family may potentially be the greatest ministry of your lifetime!
The richest fruit of your service and your most faithful disciples will rise from your family seed sowing! Be faithful and serve those entrusted to you!